Our love notes!

Sibling love

Josh and Stacey

Happy V-day !
Wow, time is just flying by these days . Where did the month of February go? And now it is the middle of march ahh! We had a great Valentines day. We were able to go to the Oakland Temple and is was so beautiful. Then after we went to Armadillo Willys with our friends Josh and Stacey . They are so fun to hangout with. Thanks guys! In the month of Feb. we had fun putting love notes to eachother in our mail boxes. Jaden and megan gave eachother notes almost everyday , it was so cute! Lanie is really getting fun to play with now.And we have been so busy with Jaden's basketball, with practices and games. But now that is all over and Jaden is almost out of school for a month. So I hope to be blogging more. More pictures and stories to come...
you are such a cute, festive mom! i so want to pinch lanies cheeks right now! love the update and i'm glad your not dead.
cute idea with the mailboxes.
Keep 'em coming! I love seeing your cute fam.
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