The Beautiful View of Orchards
Grants Grove

WE love you G & G!
Gotta love those cute big cheeks
(The PIctures came out in the wrong order. I guess I better Blog more to figure out the right order LOL!)
My parents came to visit us Easter weekend! We had so much fun. We thought it would be a great Idea to take them to the Jelly Belly Factory.( along with the whole state of Cali). It was well worth the wait in line to see how they are made. Holy Cow! It is really intresting and soooo many Jelly Beans are made in one day. We got to try a few and then of course had to buy all of our favorite ones along with Jordan Almonds, Candy COrn , Swedish Fish etc..WE also took them to Sequia Nat'l Park. It was amazing! We couldn't make it all the way to the top because of snow and fog , But we did go to Grants Grove. They were cool trees. The Highlight of the trip was a man "Pepe" . WE bought fresh ORanges and Avacados from his little fruit stand. We had a fun easter egg hunt after church and ate way too much candy, along with Fresh Picked strawberrys for our short cake. Or as ben calls it LOng Cake!