Thursday, June 11, 2009

Turning One.....

I can't believe my baby is One. Lanie turned one 2 weeks ago. We had a great time Celebrating with some of our friends at our favorite splash park for Family Home Evening. Since her real Birthday was on Sunday we just had our own family party on that day.( I was sick the week before her birthday so we didn't do anything BIG).But Seriously Where has this year gone? It just flew by. Some of it is a blur to me because honestly moving to a different state and having a baby and starting/changing careers it a BIG adjustment. Phew!! Lanie is crawling everywhere now, and loves to open and close the fridge, Pull herself up to everything too. She smiles and laughs and mimics most sounds we say. Like" Nite Nite "and thank you! She does say mama, dada, and can sign more,dog,milk,thank you and can wave Bye!
SHe loved the frosting on her cupcake.
Her favorite place is in the water with the Big kids. She is riding her motorcycle again. I love those chubby legs. I just love to squeeze her. She is so happy to be splashing in the WATER!

These two still can't get enough of their baby sister.It's so cute!

Megan striking a Pose.Should I put her into Modeling classes?

Her first time eating a CUPCAKE! She picked up the Whole thing .

We are so grateful to be your parents. Lanie you bring us Joy and HAPPINESS Everyday!

Having fun opening her presents. But mostly she loved the wrapping paper and boxes. Unfortunately she hasn't gotten to play with her toys yet. Jaden and Megan think they are pretty cool.
Our sweet baby at Just 5 weeks old. She really has been the best baby and we feel so Blessed and Lucky. She has made this year so special for us we wouldn't change a thing. And we can't wait for more good times to come. We love you Lanie LU! XOXOXO


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Lanie!! We love you and are looking forward to having tons of fun in a few weeks. You are a cutie.

Carrie said...

I can't believe she's a year old! She's a cutie!

Tricia and Michael said...

has it been that long already? how does that happen? I am so gonna love her up!!

Marrott Family said...

She has the happiest chubbiest cutest smile on the planet!!! Love love love her!!!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! she looks so much like megan!! i miss yall!

Sara Paul said...

It sounds like a perfect birthday! I cannot get enough of your kids--

Anonymous said...

where did that year go? it seems like you just had her. she is cute, cute, cute!

The Aussie and the Owl said...

How can it be that a year has gone by already? I can't believe she's one! What a beautiful little girl.

Scott and Kim said...

I am a big fan of those cheeks, I just want to eat them! I wont b/c that would be creepy...

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to kiss on cute little chubalub Lanie. We'll be seeing you oh so soon. xoxoxo