making new friends

Megan boogie boarding!

Our first trip to the Beach!
We had a fun day at the beach. It was a church activity and we are so glad we made the 2 hr trip. We got to see some more sights of California and it was beautiful! It was a little cold and windy but nothing you couldn't handle. The kids were funny when we told them where we were going they didn't want to go , because they didn't want to see a Shark or a Whale .There is just something about being at the beach that makes you happy. The kids had a blast with their new friends they have made. They didn't want to leave. Jaden was jumping in the waves and fell down and got some water in his mouth. He came running to me and almost crying said" I didn't like that water mom, it was yucky!" Gotta love the salt water. We saw lots of dead jelly fish that were washed up. And we did see a whale that was far away. Our car was full of sand when we got home and we were so tired and sunburned the next day . But lots of good memories were made=)