Daddy's little girl!

Having fun at Chuck E Cheese....
Megan turned 4 years old! We can't believe how fast time is going by. She seems so big and grown up, probably because she is 4 but going on 16! She is a funny girl and we are so blessed she is in our family. Here are four things we love about her.
1-She is just so cute to her new baby sister. She adores her!(sometimes too much)She is always singing to her getting a blanket for her or changing her diaper.
2-She is really good at sharing.
3-She is all girl. Loves to sing High School Musical 2 ,play dress ups and with her Little Pet Shop..And loves animals.oh and can be very dramatic.
4-She can say the sweetest prayers and is mostly happy and lights up our day with her loving personality.
For her birthday all she wanted was to go to chuck e cheese. So we spent a Saturday afternoon there along with everyone else in Modesto.we are so very thankful that Heavenly Father sent us Megan. We love you so much!
Oh my gosh, it looks like you had fun. i miss that cutie!!
Happy birthday Megs! Wish we could have been there to help you celebrate. Did you hear Jared passed the bar? We are so excited to FINALLY be done.
Cute pics! I can't believe she is four, but at the same time, I can't believe my girls are 7 and 9. I still think of them as being 4. I am glad that she had a good birthday and that things are going well for you all. Call me sometime or I guess I will call you. Sometimes I forget that I don't live in the country and it is rather expensive to call me. I should remember that in the future, don't you think?
She is so cute. I cant believe she is that big. Glad she had a good birthday!!
Happy Late Birthday Megan!! Wish you were here so we could have celebrated with you!! Hope you are having fun in your new city! We miss you guys!! Congratulations on reaching 4. Alex will be there soon, too. Except he thinks he's 10. Hope you had fun at Chuck e Cheese. That's where Alex wants to go too. Must be a 4yr old thing!! Talk to you soon!!!
Happy birthday Meggy Pooh. I know this is VERY late, but we did think of you on your birthday! Carson and Brenner wish they could have sang to you and they REALLY wanted to eat your birthday cake with you! You are so stinkin' cute and we hope to see you before you turn 5! Luv all your guts.
It was so fun to hear from you! I don't even want to think of what you could do with that little craft with your scrapbooking skills. You guys look great! It will be so fun to keep up with your blog~we miss you here. The ward is huge and tons of new families~we just had Enrichment last night and met lots of new faces. Take care!
I can't get over the picture of Megan, Jaden and the one and only Chuck E Cheese sitting in the backseat of the car. My kids don't know that place exists, so let's keep it on the down low okay?
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