So not only was Wicked cool but so was the rest of the week and weekend. As mentioned in the Wicked Post; Lisa, Byron, and Ella came to visit. We had a great time driving through San Francisco, hanging out, visiting Modesto's Splash Parks, Disc Golfing, playing cards and games, eating lots of food (we had to visit In N Out more than once), watching football, going to the Farmer's Market, and visiting the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk followed by a relaxing drive up Highway One on the coast. The only thing is that time went by way too fast!
Gotta love those San Francisco Streets

Natalie and Lisa Showing off their Wicked Shirts

Megan and Ella at the Splash Park

Watching Princess Movies in Princess Pajamas

Belle and Cinderella

How about that view

Notice Natalie is the only one wearing a sweatshirt

Lanie learning to surf

A good view of the Beach and Boardwalk

A view from Highway One