we took the kids to a Giants game.

A couple of weeks ago we went to a giants game. It was so fun! The kids just loved it. They loved going on the B.A.R.T. and thought that was way cool, even when we went under the ocean. It was so HOT, I planned on it being cool weather because it is always chilly in San Fransico but not at an afternoon game- we all got sunburned. The kids actually sat there and watched the whole game and Lanie even took a nap in my lap. We ended the day with a hamburger and shake at In -n- Out, what a perfect day!
Wow, we froze when we went to the Giants game. People had big winter coats on.
in-and-out beats paying $10 for a hotdog ANYDAY! sounds fun! and hooray for being 5 megan!!
Way to hit the ball Megan. It looks like the Wright's had fun. We are excited to see on Wednesday. Wicked--here we come!
I have always wanted to go to a professional baseball game....looks like tons of fun!
What a great day!
You are "livin it up in....California"! Do your kids know how spoiled they are to go to a game and get cotton candy? Was it on a Saturday? I don't think my kids even know what that is. They only know stuff like beans, corn, raspberries, peaches, zucchini...you know! Seriously, did you get to do something besides work on a Saturday? Lucky.
gotta love the IN-N-OUT burgers! yum yum yum.
I think riding BART is fun as well last time I rode BART a woman offered to show me her piercings my response was thats ok I can already see them through your shirt, ah good times.
Dan is so jealous. The Giants are his team. He can't wait to take the boys to a game there someday.
Auhh how fun!!!You are so lucky your kids are so well behaved. I love them!!! We miss you guys.
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