Monday, April 5, 2010

100th Post!!

Wow, I can't believe We made it to 100 posts!!!!.Anyways, I am not very creative but some of our family and friends do something cool for their 100 post. So I was thinking that if you would like to win a gift card to Cold stone, then leave a comment and add one funny memory of either Myself (Nat) or Ben or the kids or the whole family if you would like.We look forward to reading your commments. Then we will pick a winner!! GOOD LUCK!
PS. This will end on April 24th.


Tricia and Michael said...

The first that comes to mind is you coming to Sanio Tonio wreaking your car- then later at Sea World the family thoght it was a hit-and-run "you, and you, and YOU!!" lots of memories with you guys!! love your guts!! and miss you tons!!

Marrott Family said...

Tricia's sounds pretty good...and this memory involves JR more than Nat....but we all remember when he thought Natalie was me or Trish and dropped his drawers to get in the shower and initiated Nat officially into the family:) Ben wrecking the van......and Jaden making an un-planned stop at the Chevron in Elko :) Those are my top 3...but we plan on making many more together, specifically in Tahoe this summer!

Lisa said...

Oh so many to choose from how do you pick just one. I guess I would have to go with our trip to San Francisco involving WICKED!! It is till playing by the way. We should figure out how to see it again with Ben this time. My current funny story is when we were getting Ella's name drawn and Jaden and Megan came up and asked if they could have their names done and Ella promptly tells them with attitude, "Sorry Kids!--not today" prior to that when we visited and Ella was learning to say "Sit"--Jaden laughed and laughed. Oh I could go on--we miss you so much. I'm hoping Tahoe can be scheduled when we can come but if not we will find another time. Love you guys!!

Lisa said...

I did not consult with Byron when I did my comment so this one is for Byron. He recalls one of our trips to Lubbock and we went to the grocery store. The lady helping bag the groceries kept saying, "It's not a problem. I can carry 4 gallons of milk--it's not a problem. My leg could be severed and still--it's not a problem." This doesn't seem as funny written down but when you hear Byron or anyone who knows about it say it--it really is pretty good! Much love.

Shaun Wright said...

how about when you guys, me and mom were playing shang-hi and mom being half asleep and starts to sing/count her cards. oneeeee, twoooo, threeee, fourrrr. or her waiting for her turn and falling asleep while scratching her arm?

Anonymous said...

you not creative? i beg to differ :)

Anonymous said...

"We should send them an arrow in the mail...." Need I say more? All I remember is we were all laughing hysterically and then you made that comment and there were crickets. None of us caught the vision, but it made perfect sense to you! Me and JR still laugh about this one aunt Nut. "Cheesecake this way." Another one of my favorites is whenever we are playing cards and it's getting late you start oohhhing and awwhhhing over how your thumb moves without you even telling it to! You crack me up. We want to play with your sweet family soon. I don't know if Ben told ya, but we're trying to come the 4th of July! Save up because we are going to have to do some retail therapy. xoxo

Stacey said...

We probably haven't known you as long as the others, but there are few things that already stick out in my mind. First, Laney will forever be dear to me. She is what convinced Josh to have another baby. Plus, she was so cute when she kept pulling on Leah's bow. He he. I'm sure you will never let me forget the bday party at Chuck-e-Cheese. Watching the Proposal, because we laughed our heads off. Our last outting was super fun too. I can't wait to do it again!

The Aussie and the Owl said...

I don't really have a funny memory but I do remember the first time you and your family came to our ward activity at the pavilion. I was so excited to meet you and your adorable family and it has been my privilege to be someone you visit teach :)

kristi said...

I gave out Coldstone gift cards for my 100th post too! I think the funniest time we had was when we were coming back from scrapbooking at Karen's and I insisted we go to Starbucks because I had a sore throat. We were so tired we were laughing like crazy. We got the order for free, but I only shared a crumb of my pumpkin bread with you. Watching "The Bachelor" on my couch during Jason's season was so FUN. Of course there was the night your kids started throwing up when you were at the Giants game. I will never forget the time when I had a bad day and Lloyd and I came over and played cards with you and Ben. Thanks for your kindness that night! I hope we get to make lots more memories together!