Monday, June 28, 2010

Half Insane or Half....

Is someone insane if they decided to hike to the top of this?

Via these?

What about if they saw this when they got to the top?

And felt like this?

Last week Ben and a couple of guys from our ward hiked to the top of half dome. It was everything physically and mentally that he thought it would be, and more. It was nice for a few minutes to feel like you were on top of the world. I hope you enjoy some of the other pictures we encountered while hiking.


Tricia and Michael said...

That is seriously awesome!! I had no idea you were doing that, or WHAT that was for that matter, (which is why my reply to your text was less than extatic) but way to go, the pictures are AMAZING. good luck talking jaden out of that one (mom said he's interested :)

Lisa said...

Wow!! Way to Go. The pictures are beautiful. It is on the list!! Miss you guys.

Marrott Family said...

Can't wait to hear the whole story in t minus 3 days! yipee

The Aussie and the Owl said...

Way to go Ben!! What a tough hike. I can't believe he stood right on the edge like that - it is such a huge drop!

Anonymous said...


Jess said...

Hey!!! We miss everyone in Good ol' Modesto. How is the ward?? I can't believe that Lanie is 2! She is cute as ever. Good job Ben at getting up half dome. Griff and I did it (before I had kids) and I swore I'd never do the cables again. PS- Griff is wondering who babysat the kids when Ben went and did half dome... Natalie didn't actually watch them for a full day?

Anonymous said...

that looks scary!

Carrie said...

I am jealous! Looks amazing!

Sara Paul said...

I haven't been on your blog in awhile, but it isn't too late to say----GREAT JOB!!! WAY TO GO!!!

Anna said...

Looks like you have some wonderful memories!