Jaden started first grade last week. It is kinda weird here in California the campus is huge! It looks like a college campus. Everything is outside. He goes to a different building for everything. Kinda crazy and hard to get used to. We unfortunately had a hard time getting him into a school. They only allow 20 kids in each class up to third grade. So the school next to our house was all full and all the other schools in the district except one was open and yep it is the furthest one away. Oh well. He is liking it. He loves that he gets recess, and his new favorite thing is teather ball. And he loves fun Friday, because you get ice cream! What more could a first grader want right! It's the mom that is having a hard time sending her baby to such a big school. Hopefully we can get him into the school by our house. He is on a waiting list so we will see.Ahh! As a lady at our church told me Welcome to California!
oh my crazy! hopefully things will calm down right?? so . .. whats the latest with the car?
At least they try to keep the class sizes manageable. Here in NM they just load as many kids into a room as they can. From waht I have heard, it isn't uncommon to have a few kids sitting on the floor for the first few day until they can figure out to fit mroe desks into an already crowded room!
Is Jaden really in 1st grade already? What happened to you little boy?
Trish - it was a short in the ignition. Thankfully nothing major - except for over a 100 matchsticks but once again Nat prefers the Honda over the Pontiac! I love that car!
I hope that it is a good year for Jaden, and I will keep my fingers crossed that you get into a school closer to you soon. It wouldn't be fun to switch schools on Jaden if he is already making friends. Trust me. I know too much about that. I am glad things are going well. My girls start school next week and we are getting ready for that.
If Jaden has a college degree by the time he graduates grade school I will be pissed. He can already out run everyone. Does he have to be smarter than us too? By the way, Jack's favorite part of school every day is recess.
I love the first day of school pictures. I think I should find one of Ben's old ones and post it just for fun----! Hey, maybe Jaden isn't the smartest one after all.
Sick and wrong.....we are too young for this stuff! You have a first grader? What?!@#@#%@$! I hope things settle down for you guys a little bit. So many changes in such a short time. Can't wait to come visit now that you're outta the hood. Anyway, when things settle down give me a call. I called ya back, but I understand you're life is crazy right now. Tell Jaden he looks super cute and very grown up! Miss ya, Aub
Natalie, I found your blog! I hope you had fun last night. I'm glad you could make it. Let me know about breakfast on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to you moving closer to me. Congrats on your new calling. I always enjoyed that calling. My daughter Katelyn is really excited about you being her leader. We're so glad you're in our ward. Hope Megan had a great birthday. Take care!
i am so glad to have the link to your blog! we will keep tabs on you now. little lanie is adorable. congratulations and all the best in california!
Hey guys...found you through Carrie! How's California? Can't believe the boys are in 1st grade...seems like yesterday I was there VTing and they were playing on the floor.
Sorry...forgot I was logged in under a different name...Travelhost Austin is Shane and Jenn Dimon
Email me: carrieellenk@yahoo.com
Brenna's campus is gigantic, outdoors and crazy as well. She's a little overwhelmed by it! I'm glad Jaden is enjoying school so far!
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