Jaden was so excited to loose his first tooth. It has been wiggly for a couple of weeks now. He wanted to loose it at school because you get to wear the tooth necklace and put your tooth inside . But since he has been out of school almost a week and a half and not going back until after thanksgiving that was not going to happen.( sorry buddy). SO on Monday he started playing with his tooth a lot and it was really sticking out. So when dad got home I got a napkin and gave it a good tug. And of course jaden cried a little. Then he said he wanted to try and out it came. We had to call grandma and tell her!!And now he talks with a cute lisp. And it is in perfect spot for a capri sun straw to fit thru it .So he thinks he is pretty cool. And the tooth fairy was also really nice to him!! So that is the story of the lost tooth more than you wanted to know I'm sure.
congrats on losing a tooth! losing a tooth is a cause for celebration in our house!
I'm a bit grossed out that there's a neclace at school that you wear that other childrens' bloody teeth have been. :-)
Jack and Carson had the picture of his teeth blown up on mom's computer. It was freaky, but they loved it. I am trying to get Jack to slow down on getting big--this blog is a reminder that these guys are growing up toooo fast.
Way to go!!! Your dental hygiene aunt & uncle are so proud!!! I'm glad that the tooth fairy was good to you!!!
Hey guys! It's me your old college buddy, Kelly!! Hey Josh gave me your blog address and I thought I would pop in and say HI! It looks like you are doing very well and your family is gorgeous!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Kelly Chambers Clark
That's so great! I know how exciting my girls were when lost their first tooth. So, I can only imagine how excited Jaden was. Why is he out of school right now?
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