Megan loved to eat the snow! I just hope it was all white and no yellow.

Daddy Daughter riding together.

Aunt Lisa, Ella, Megan,Aunt Ericka ,Ben.

Jaden getting ready to ride.

Aunt Lisa pulled all the kids around on the Four Wheeler, through grandpa's garden. She was the winner for the day , and not to mention an excellent driver. The swingset was still in place when the day ended.Go Lisa!

Aunt Lori,Jaden ,Laran

A ride with Grandpa Lewis.SO fun!

Cool Dude!

Megan and Daddy walking up the hill.

Megan going down the hill all by herself.

Good times!
We went to Utah the day after Christmas and stayed for a week. We were really excited to see our families & some friends. We haven't been for the holidays since Melissa's wedding ( 4 years ago). The kids loved the snow.!Megan loved eating the snow. Jaden got really good at sledding down the hill and going over the biggest bumps.He now wants to snowboard.We'll see. We played in the snow a lot and the kids loved it.I forgot how much fun sledding is.(thanks everybody). It just makes you laugh slidding down the hill and trying not to run into anyone walking up , there were some close calls. We had some good trains going but they broke ,oh well.We had some good times.We missed the snow queen(Aunt Trisha).
It was great fun! I had fun driving the 4-wheeler. Sledding was a highlight of our holiday vacation--and taking 8 children to the movie! Miss you all!
yea, i really missed ringing in the new year as the snow queen. I think now I would be more like a snow-woose. I didn't even sled at all in WI. Something about about having below zero temperatures blowing on my face just was not appealling. Michael would love to make a snow-boarding buddy out of jaden. . . . . don't know when that would ever happen but they can dream.
It sounds like you had fun! I miss the snow. We have been getting some here, but it is not the kind to stick around all winter.
Looks like you had a great Christmas and trip to UT. It is always fun to play in the snow for awhile. It is nice to enjoy it and then get to leave it! Right? miss you all...Only 10 weeks left of my Pregnancy. Hasn't it gone fast?
We've missed you the last 4 years!!! I'm so glad we got to shop, shop, shop & play play play!!! Love you guys!
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